Above is Yoshio Markino’s painting Westminster-Bridge, Evening. The purpose of this website is to try to understand how Yoshio Markino painted, specifically his silk-veil technique. To do this, I have copied or imitated the style of several Markino paintings and attempted to break down the process. It is important to understand that this is an experimental project and that I am not an expert in painting, art history, or other relevant fields. All of the decisions that I make while painting are based on extrapolations from various critical Markino readings and the paintings themselves. I also lean heavily on my own experiences and instincts as a painter. Please note that numerous times during the project, I have used my own artistic license to create something that is like Markino’s source painting but not necessarily a direct copy of it. This is because, while I think imitation is important, to fully comprehend and explore technique an individual should play around with it in their own terms. To begin, users should start with the post “The Silk Veil” and make their way up chronologically.